Tang Law as Finalist for 2022 Attorney General’s Community Service Law Awards

This year, the Awards were announced by the Hon John Quigley MLA on 30 September at Crown Towers Perth, and hosted by the Law Society of Western Australia.


The Attorney General’s Community Service Law Awards recognise the outstanding pro bono work of an individual, legal firm, non-profit organisation and Legal Aid private practitioner panel member, made to the Western Australian community.


Our team are humbled to be recognised for our contribution and be named among other reputable firms! We further strive to excel in our services whilst giving back to the local and broader community.

Extraordinary Driver’s Licence

Losing your driver’s licence can be a frustrating and disruptive experience. It creates difficulties with your mobility that can impact your employment and place a burden on family and friends. In many instances you are left with no choice but to use public transport that can be time consuming, impracticable, and inconvenient.

If you have had your licence suspended or cancelled by a court, you may be eligible to apply for an Extraordinary Driver’s Licence.


What is an Extraordinary Driver’s Licence?

In Western Australia, an extraordinary drivers’ licence, also known as an ‘EL’, ‘EDL’ or ‘e-licence’, is a licence granted by a court allowing someone who has been disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s licence to drive under specific circumstances.


Am I eligible to apply?

You can apply for an extraordinary licence if your licence has been suspended or cancelled by a Court for offences such as:

    • drink driving
    • driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
    • driving while disqualified
    • reckless driving
    • disqualification for an alcohol interlock offence

Unfortunately, not everyone who has had their drivers licence disqualified or suspended may apply for an extraordinary licence. Below are instances where a person will not be eligible to apply:

    • If you have received a roadside disqualification notice from the police.
    • If your licence has been suspended due to excessive demerit points (including double or nothing).
    • If your licence has been suspended due to non-payment of fines or infringements.
    • If your licence was disqualified or suspended in another State.
    • If an application for an EDL has been refused by the court within six (6) months.


When can I make an application?

Applications can only be made after the waiting period from the date of your disqualification. Waiting periods begin from 21 days but can be as long as 4 months depending on the type of the disqualification you have received.

For demerit point suspensions and immediate roadside disqualification, you must wait until the end of the period stated in the notice before you are eligible to make an application.


Granting an Extraordinary Licence

The court will consider a number of issues in deciding your application. However, a court can only grant an extraordinary licence if without your licence:

    1. You cannot do your job; or
    2. You will lose your job; or
    3. You are unable to access urgent medical treatment for an existing illness suffered by yourself or an existing family member.

Other matters the court will take into consideration in your application:

    • The safety of the public: The court will look at your driving history and nature of the offence to determine how your conduct may affect other road users.
    • Your character: The court will want to see evidence of your good character. Having a responsible person present (eg. your employer) to support your application will help establish good character. Written character references are helpful but may or may not be considered by the court.
    • The nature of the offence that led to your disqualification: You will need to be able to explain the circumstances that led to you losing your licence.
    • Your conduct since disqualification: The court will want to know if during your disqualification period if your employment situation has changed and if you have had any further convictions or charges laid against you.
  • If you were disqualified for drink driving, evidence that you have changed your drinking habits or attended any relevant alcohol or drug counselling will be relevant.


    • The degree of hardship on you or your family if the court does not grant you an EDL.
      • If the court refuses to grant you an EDL will this:
        • Deprive you of obtaining an income?
        • Stop you from travelling to your job or a family member from travelling to their job?
        • Stop you or a family member from accessing urgent medical treatment for an illness?


What evidence will I need to show the Court?

You will need to attend court on your allocated hearing date. At the hearing you need to provide relevant information, documentation, and evidence in support of your application to assist the court to understand how you are being affected by the loss of your driver’s licence.

Examples of relevant documents are:

    • Bank statements
    • Medical reports
    • Letter from employer
    • Proof of financial position
    • Mortgage or rental payments

You will be asked to give sworn evidence to the court. This can be a stressful and daunting task; however our lawyers can represent you in court and guide you through the process.


Conditions of EDL

If the court grants you an extraordinary licence, this does not mean you can drive as you would normally do when holding your normal driver’s licence. In many cases, the court will attach restrictions. Some common restrictions are:

    • The days on which you are allowed to drive
    • The hours during which you can drive
    • The places you can drive to and from
    • The purposes for which you can drive (work or medical reasons)
    • Meeting the requirements of the Alcohol Interlock System (If you are under suspension for an alcohol interlock offence)


How to apply

For the best possible outcome in your EDL application, contact our friendly team of Traffic and Criminal lawyers at Tang Law. Our lawyers are experienced in guiding you through what can be a complicated process, and put forward the best case to get you back on the road. Get in touch with us today via phone (08) 9328 7525.




The Australian Government has introduced further concessions for eligible skilled visa holders in the hopes of filling critical labour and skills shortages to aid economic recovery efforts. The most recent concessions allow for more opportunities to a broader range of students seeking access to the Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa. These changes commencing on 1 July 2022 include:


1. The removal of certain eligibility requirements


Amendments to the Migration Regulations 1994 include temporary concessions for all prospective persons applying for a Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa in the Graduate Work stream by removing the following eligibility requirements:


  • having a nominated occupation on the medium and long-term strategic skills list;
  • having a degree, diploma or trade qualification closely related to that occupation; and
  • be assessed by a relevant assessing authority as having skills suitable for that occupation.


This concession is currently available for the financial year of 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.


2. Opportunity for a replacement visa

New measures have also been introduced benefiting approximately 30,000 current and former temporary graduate visa holders who lost time on their visa stay period due to COVID-19 international travel restrictions and border closures.

This measure effectively removes the limitation for applicants being granted one initial Subclass 485 visa to allow eligible visa holders to be granted a ‘replacement stream visa’ with the same or additional length of stay as their original visa. The following requirements must be met:

  • the applicant holds a valid temporary graduate visa or held a temporary graduate visa that expired on or after 1 February 2020; and
  • the applicant has been offshore between 1 February 2020 and 15 December 2021.

The opportunity to apply for this replacement stream visa is available until 1 January 2027.


Applicants must also meet all the remaining criteria for the Subclass 485 in their respective streams despite any concessions that apply.


If you are a graduate who would like advice on applying for a Subclass 485 or related visas to work and live in WA, give us a call today at (08) 9328 7525 to book in a consultation with one of our experienced migration lawyers. We can do our part to help find the best pathway for your migration journey to Australia.


Sophie Manera named finalist in 2022 Partner of the Year Awards and 2022 Australian Law Awards


We are truly honored and excited to share that Sophie Manera – our Migration Partner, has been named in the 2 prestigious, 2022 Partner of the Year Awards and 2022 Australian Law Awards!

Sophie is qualified as a Finalist in 3 categories of the 2022 Partner of the Year Awards – Migration Partner of the Year, Mentor of the Year, and Wellness Advocate of the Year.

She is also in the running for Partner of the Year in the 2022 Australian Law Awards.

We are extremely proud of her career achievements and contribution to our profession, and we wish her all the best!



Tang Law is pleased to hear of the Australian Government’s continued recognition of skilled migrants with 109,0000 places available to eligible skilled applicants under the 2022-2033 Migration Program. This will provide further visa options and permanent residency pathways for skilled workers.

A notable few of the new measures commencing 1 July 2022 include:


1. Pathway to Permanent Residency

Permanent residence arrangements will extend to existing Subclass 457 and Subclass 482 visa holders in the short-term stream under the Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS), Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream. Certain eligibility requirements apply:

  • You must have been in Australia for at least one year between 1 Feb 2020 to 14 Dec 2021; and
  • Meet all other nomination and visa criteria for the TRT stream of the ENS visa

Exemptions are available for Subclass 457 visa holders who no longer meet the age requirements and for Subclass 482 visa holders who are unable to apply for third short-term TSS visa in Australia.

This permanent residency pathway will only be in place for up to 2 years from 1 July 2022.


2. Working Holiday Visas  

There will be a 30% increase to the number of places available to first working holiday makers from certain countries via the Subclass 462 visa, and access to the program has been now extended to Switzerland, Brazil and Mongolia.

Applicants must meet all visa criteria including age limit requirements of being 18 and 30 years.


3. WA Graduate Occupation List

On 26 May 2022, the WA Government announced that as part of its Reconnect WA Strategy to attract skilled migrants, 194 occupations will be added to the State’s Graduate Occupation List under the 2022-2023 Migration Program.

This brings the list to an expanded selection of 331 occupations for prospective international students and skilled workers.  A few of the new additions to the list include:

  • Driving instructor
  • Cook
  • Welfare worker
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
  • Systems analyst or administrator
  • Teachers – special education, special needs, or middle school
  • Farmers – poultry, deer, or pig



If you would like advice on your immigration options to study, work and live in WA, give us a call today at (08) 9328 7525 to book in a consultation with one of our experienced migration lawyers. We will you help find the best pathway for your migration journey to Australia.

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