Estates & Succession Law

Lawyers at Tang Law have handled more than 250 Wills related matters since 2010.

Laws surrounding Wills and inheritance are there to make sure your loved ones are adequately looked after when you are gone. It will also mean that your legal documents (such as Wills and Power of Attorney) are legally valid. A clear, comprehensive and robust Will and Estate plan is crucial to avoiding your home, business and investments ending up in the wrong hands.

With over 163 Wills-related cases handled, Tang Law will help you deal with your succession and estate planning, including the preparation of Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA), Enduring Powers of Guardianship (EPG), binding death benefit nominations applicable to superannuation and deeds to bring succession in family trusts into effect. With our advice, we can help you control the distribution of your estate and, by extension, protect your

Your estate will be carefully planned and brought into effect upon consideration of issues such as asset protection for your estate, financial and personal circumstances applicable to you and your beneficiaries, your investments and business structures (no matter how complex they may be) amongst other issues. We also have a panel of experts such as financial planners, tax accountants, and risks consultants who we can recommend to assist you to ensure you have covered all aspects in planning your estate.

We will work to bring you peace of mind that your wishes are carried out to the very last detail.

What’s in an Estate Plan?

It is a good idea to have a folder your executor or loved one can easily access in the event of your death.  This folder should contain all the important documents and information they need to know to properly carry out your will.

Your Estate Plan Folder should contain the following:

  • Your Last Will
  • Testamentary Trust
  • Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Enduring Power of Guardianship
  • Advance Medical Directive
  • Mutual Wills Agreement
  • Details of your assets and liabilities, such as bank accounts, real properties, shares, life insurance, superannuation, loans, etc.
  • Details of your consultants, such as your accountant, lawyers, bank manager, financial planner, risk advisors, etc.

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    How Important is Estate Planning?

    There are several intangible reasons for having a proper estate plan in place:

    • You have worked hard for your assets. It’s only natural that you want control over what happens to them in the event of your death. You do not want your assets ending up in the hands of the wrong person.
    • You will want to make sure that you have taken care of your loved ones in the way you best see fit. You will also want to leave your family and friends with as little hassle and concern as possible.
    • You can safeguard your estate, assets, and by extension, your beneficiaries
    • You can avoid family skirmishes over who will get which assets.
    • You can maximize your opportunity to plan for and minimize tax implications on your assets.


    Rest assured, you will be able to entrust your case with us – from strategic planning, the issue of demands and notices, commencement of legal proceedings, representation and negotiation and resolution of disputes.

    Our experienced team of multicultural and multi-talented lawyers are fluent in English as well as a variety of other languages, including Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien), Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia), Malaysian (Bahasa Malaysia) and several other dialects. Tang Law is one of Perth’s most famous law firms that is fluent in the use of Chinese language communication. In the past 15 years, Tang Law has provided high quality services to many local enterprises and individuals. We will make sure that we give you a satisfactory experience with our legal counsel.

    How can we help you?

    • Simple Will
    • Complex Will
    • Will with Testamentary Trust
    • Mutual Wills Agreement for Husband and Wife
    • Enduring Power of Attorney
    • Enduring Power of Guardianship
    • Advance Health Directive
    • Binding nomination for Self- Managed Superannuation
    • Statutory declaration/affidavit explaining exclusions from Will
    • Family Trust succession – Deed of appointment and retirement of Guardian/Appointer/Trustee
    • Buy/Sell Agreement or Put/Call Option Agreement
    • Ownership Succession Plan
    • Management Succession Plan
    • Employee Share Scheme
    • Probate Application
    • Letter of Administration
    • Administration of Estate
    • Guardianship Application
    • Contesting a Will
    • Caveat on Probate
    • Freezing orders and Injunction
    • Becoming an Administrator
    • Trustee Act Applications (e.g. Breach of Trust, Review of Trustee Act,  Trustee Remuneration, etc)
    • Passing of Accounts
    • Minor or dependent beneficiary

    Inheritance Act Applications (e.g. Apply for provision from Estate)