Understanding the Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) Changes for 2025

What Employers Need to Know About SGC Compliance

Superannuation compliance remains a key priority for businesses in 2025, with stricter regulations and increased penalties for late payments. Employers must stay up to date with their Superannuation Guarantee (SG) obligations to avoid unnecessary costs and legal consequences.

What Is the Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC)?

The Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) is a penalty imposed on employers who fail to pay their employees’ superannuation contributions on time. Unlike regular SG payments, which are tax-deductible, the SGC includes:

  • The unpaid super amount,
  • Interest on the overdue payments, and
  • An administration fee per employee.

Late payments cannot be offset against future contributions, meaning employers must lodge an SGC statement with the ATO and pay additional charges.

Key SGC Updates for 2025

🔹 Stricter Payment Deadlines – Employers must meet SG deadlines to avoid being subject to the SGC. The ATO has reinforced its stance on late payments, meaning compliance is more critical than ever.

🔹 Increased ATO Monitoring – The ATO is ramping up its efforts to track late super payments and enforce penalties. Employers should expect greater scrutiny and enforcement actions.

🔹 Financial Implications – Late super payments result in additional costs due to interest charges, administrative fees, and lost tax deductions. This can significantly impact a business’s financial health.

How to Stay Compliant

Pay Super Contributions on Time – Ensure payments are made at least quarterly by the due dates. Using automated payroll systems can help avoid missed deadlines.
Review Payment Processes – Regularly audit your SG payments to ensure they align with ATO requirements.
Seek Professional Guidance – If you’re unsure about your obligations or facing difficulties in making payments, consulting a legal or financial expert can help.

Avoid Penalties – Stay Ahead of Compliance!

With increased enforcement of Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rules, it’s more important than ever for businesses to ensure timely payments. Failing to comply can result in significant financial penalties and administrative burdens.

If you need guidance on SGC compliance and employer obligations, our team is here to assist. Contact us today to ensure your business remains compliant and avoids unnecessary costs.

Introducing the new Subclass 482 Skills in Demand visa

As part of the Australian Government’s Migration Strategy, the Department of Home Affairs established the new Subclass 482 Skills in Demand (SID) visa on 7 December 2024, replacing the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa. This new visa offers clear pathways to permanent residency via the Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme visa.

The SID visa is a temporary employer-sponsored visa that permits visa holders to stay in Australia for up to four years.

Notable changes in the SID visa include:

    1. Adjusted work experience requirements—the requirement has been reduced from two years to one year of relevant full-time (or equivalent part-time or casual) work experience within the last five years.
    2. Permanent residency pathway—All full-time sponsored work experience gained in Australia while on a SID or TSS visa will be considered for a Subclass 186 visa application in the Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream.
    3. Updated occupation list: A Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL) has been established to provide a consolidated and up-to-date list of occupations that are currently in demand in Australia. This new list replaces the previous three occupation lists used for the TSS visa and the Subclass 186 visa in the Direct Entry stream.

The SID visa comprises three main streams:

    1. Core Skills stream;
    2. Specialist Skills stream; and
    3. Labour Agreement stream.

Core Skills stream 

To qualify under this stream, an applicant must:

    1. Have an occupation listed on the CSOL;
    2. Be offered a salary that meets or exceeds the new Core Skills Income Threshold of AUD 73,150;
    3. Possess a minimum of one year of relevant work experience in an occupation on the CSOL list; and
    4. Obtain the prescribed English language test scores.

Specialist Skills Stream

To qualify under this stream, applicants must:

    1. Be offered an annual salary of AUD 135,000 or more;
    2. Be employed in a profession categorised under ANZSCO Major groups 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. This does not include trades, machinery operations, drivers or labourers (which fall within ANZSCO Major Groups 3, 7, and 8).
    3. Meet the necessary English language requirements.

According to the Department of Home Affairs website, the estimated processing time for this stream is around 7 days.

Labour Agreement Stream

This stream is intended for applicants whose occupations are not included in the CSOL and who do not satisfy the income criteria for the Specialist Skills Stream.

If you would like to discuss your eligibility for the SID visa or any other visa, please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange an initial consultation with one of our experienced migration lawyers.



Tang Law Recognized Among the Top 3 Employment Lawyers in Perth by ThreeBestRated

We are thrilled to announce that Tang Law has been named one of the Top 3 Employment Lawyers in Perth, WA by ThreeBestRated! This recognition is a testament to our commitment to providing outstanding legal services and our dedication to helping clients navigate complex employment matters with confidence and expertise.

Why This Recognition Matters

Each year, the team at ThreeBestRated conducts an in-depth evaluation of local businesses across various industries, selecting the top providers based on a rigorous 50-Point Inspection. This comprehensive review covers everything from service quality and reputation to client satisfaction and professionalism. We are honored that our dedication to excellence has earned us a spot on this prestigious list.

Our Commitment to Excellence in Employment Law

At Tang Law, we understand that employment issues can significantly impact both individuals and businesses. Our team is passionate about helping clients resolve workplace disputes, understand their rights, and achieve fair outcomes. This award reflects our team’s hard work, expertise, and the trust our clients place in us every day.

Thank You to Our Clients and Community

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our clients, partners, and community members for their continuous support. It is your trust in us that inspires our team to strive for excellence in all that we do.

For more information, or if you need assistance with an employment-related matter, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We are here to support you with compassionate, expert legal guidance.

More information can be found here: https://threebestrated.com.au/employment-lawyers-in-perth-wa

1 July 2024 Migration Law Changes

On 11 December 2023, the Australian Government announced proposed changes to the Australian migration program under their Migration Strategy.

The purpose of the changes is to return migration levels to normal, strengthen the community and improve the living standards of Australians.

As part of the Migration Strategy, several important changes came into effect on 1 July 2024. These include:


A. Fee increases for visas, appeals and citizenship applications

Visa application fees were increased based on the forecast Consumer Price Index (CPI). For example,

  • A Partner visa application fee has increased from $8,850 to $9,095; and
  • A Student visa application fee for main applicants has increased from $710 to $1,600.

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal appeal fees also increased from $3,374 to $3,496. This does not include appeals relating to character and protection visas.


B. Student visa validity changes

From 1 July 2024, persons who hold the below-listed visas will be prevented from lodging a Subclass 500 Student visa whilst in Australia:

  • Subclass 403 – Domestic Worker Stream
  • Subclass 426 – Domestic Worker (Temporary)
  • Subclass 485 – Temporary Graduate
  • Subclass 600, 601, 602 and 651
  • Subclass 771 – Transit
  • Subclass 988 – Maritime Crew
  • Subclass 995 – Diplomatic – primary visa holder only


C. Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa change in stream names, reduced age limit, and validity periods

The following amendments have been made to the Subclass 485 visa:

    1. New stream names have been introduced to replace the previously named streams which include:
      • Post-Vocational Education Work stream which replaced the Graduate Work stream; and
      • Post-Higher Education Work stream which replaced the Post-Study Work stream.
    2. The Replacement Stream is no longer available to applicants who held a Subclass 485 visa and lost time on their original visa due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
    3. The age to apply for a Subclass 485 visa has been reduced to 35 years or younger. For Hong Kong or British National Overseas passport holders and for those who have completed a Masters (research) or PhD the age limit is 50 years old.
    4. Applicants who held their first Student visa after 16 November 2011 can now apply for the Subclass 485 visa under the Post-Higher Education Work stream.
    5. Applicants who have studied and lived in a regional area are still able to apply for the Subclass 485 visa under the Post-Higher Education Work stream provided they meet the visa criteria.
    6. The visa validity period for a Subclass 485 visa under the Post-Vocational Education Work stream will be 18 months.For the Post-Higher Education Work stream the validity period will depend upon the qualification completed and whether the applicant is a Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holder or an Indian national.The general validity period for the below-completed qualifications is as follows:
      • Bachelor degree (including honours) – up to 2 years
      • Masters (coursework and extended) – up to 2 years
      • Masters (research) and doctoral degree (PhD) – up to 3 years.

If the applicant is a Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holder they can stay for up to 5 years. Indian nationals can also stay for up to 4 years depending on the qualification completed.


D. Working Holiday visa expansion for UK citizens; Work and Holiday visa now available to Filipino nationals

UK passport holders can now apply for their second and third Subclass 417 (Working Holiday) visas without having to meet the “specified work” requirement.

Filipino nationals can now apply for a Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) visa provided they meet the qualification and visa criteria. 


E. Increase to the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) for employer-sponsored visas such as the Subclass 482, 186 and 494 visas

The TSMIT has increased from $70,000 to $73,150.

This new increase will apply to Nomination applications lodged after 1 July 2024.


F. Work condition changes to employer-sponsored visas such as the Subclass 457, 482 and 494 visas

Applicants who currently hold one of the above visas or have been granted a 482 or 494 visa after 1 July 2024 can cease to work with their current employer for up to 180 days but no more than 365 days during their visa period. They can also work for any other employer in any occupation during this period to financially support themselves whilst they look for another business sponsor in Australia if they decide to continue to stay in Australia.


G. Changes to Partner visas and family violence provisions

The wording of the family violence provisions available to applicants has changed from “suffered” family violence to “experienced” family violence.

Applicants who hold a Subclass 300 (Prospective Marriage) visa who are in Australia and have not married their sponsor can now access family violence provisions to be granted a Subclass 820/801 (Partner) visa.


H. New Workplace Justice Visa

A new stream under the Subclass 408 (Temporary Activity) visa will be available to applicants to remain in Australia to undertake a workplace justice activity with no sponsorship needed.


I. Closure of some visas and pathways

Applications for the Subclass 476 (Skilled-Recognised Graduate) visa and the Subclass 485 Specialist Qualifications pathway will no longer be open to applicants from 1 July 2024.


J. Changes to policy on visa health requirements

The Significant Cost Threshold for most visas has been increased from $51,000 to $86,000.


If you have any questions about these changes, or are looking to get advice regarding your visa options and migration pathways tailored to your specific situation, please contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our dedicated and friendly migration lawyers.

Recent Federal Court of Australia Decision may Impact Validity of Notification Letters from the Department of Home Affairs

On 9 May 2023 Justice Markovic handed down a decision in the Federal Court of Australia on the question of when a person is deemed to have received notice of a decision to refuse a visa application by the Department of Home Affairs (Department).

In the decision of Sandor v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs [2023] FCA 434, the Judge found that Mr Sandor had not been properly notified by the Department of the decision to refuse his Student visa application. As there had been no valid notification of the decision, the time to lodge an application for review to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) had not yet commenced to run.

Mr Sandor had appointed a registered migration agent as his authorised recipient of correspondence sent by the Department in relation to his Student visa application. On 13 February 2018 a delegate of the Department sent an email to the migration agent, attaching a letter notifying the applicant of the decision to refuse the Student visa application and the reasons for the decision (Notification Letter).

Mr Sandor unfortunately failed to lodge an application for review to the AAT within 21 days of the Department’s decision. He lodged an application to the AAT out of time. As such, the AAT found that it did not have jurisdiction to consider the application for review.

At first instance, the Judge in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia held that the AAT had validly found that it did not have jurisdiction to consider the matter.

However, on appeal to the Federal Court of Australia, Mr Sandor was successful. Justice Markovic found that there had been invalid notification of the delegate’s decision as the notification failed to comply with the elements of section 66(2) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) because the Notification Letter did not completely or clearly include all relevant information required for Mr Sandor to calculate the time in which an application for review to the AAT can be made. The Notification Letter failed to provide any detail of when the letter was sent by email to Mr Sandor’s registered migration agent. The failure to include the date on which the Notification Letter was transmitted to the migration agent resulted in an invalid notification of refusal.

This is a significant decision as applicants who have failed to apply for review to the AAT within the relevant timeframe may find that the notification of decision was invalid and they may yet be able to apply for review to the AAT.

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