ADAM WARD, Senior Lawyer
Criminal Lawyer & Barrister
Practising exclusively in criminal law and traffic matters including Assault Charges, Possession of Drugs, Unlawful Possession of Money, Burglary, Driving Under the Influence, Reckless Driving, Extraordinary Driver’s Licenses and more.
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Our experienced Criminal Lawyers have a substantial record of successful cases in defending our clients in all Courts, in cases including:
• Common assault
• Assault Occasioning bodily harm or Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH)
• Unlawful wounding
• Act of Omission Occasioning Bodily Harm or Death
• Threats to Harm or Kill
• Manslaughter
• Murder
• Sexual/Indecent Assault
• Sexual Penetration or Indecent Dealing involving Minors/Children
• Possession of Child Exploitation Materials
• Theft, Stealing and Armed Robbery
• Possession of Property Believed to be Unlawfully Obtained
• Stalking
• Property Damage
• Trespass
• Burglary
• Arson
• Possession of Weapons or Firearms
• Deprivation of Liberty
• Possession of Illicit Drugs such as Cannabis, Cocaine and Methylamphetamine
• Proceeds of crime act freezing notices
• Breaches of Restraining orders
• Drink driving and Driving under the influence (or DUI)
• Careless, Dangerous and Reckless driving
• Driving Without a License
• Extraordinary Driver’s License Applications and Breaches
• Cyber Crime
• Fraud charges
• Disorderly Behaviour
• Obstructing a Public Officer
Our team of experienced criminal lawyers in Perth, Western Australia, are result-driven and focused on getting you the best outcome possible.
As Perth Criminal Defence Lawyers, we are 100% committed to standing up for you. We will vigorously fight for your rights and defend you.
You will not be treated like number. You will speak directly with the our best Criminal Lawyers in our team. Being service-focused, we strive to give you personalised advice and representation in Court.
Entering a Plea
If you are charged with a criminal offence in Australia, you are generally required to enter a plea (guilty or not guilty) at the initial Court mention and the matter is then dealt with accordingly. Depending on the seriousness of the charge(s), almost all matters start out in the Magistrates Court, and this is where the first chance is given for a plea to be entered. Before entering a plea, serious and careful considerations should be given to factors including:
- Correctness of the charges;
- The alleged facts giving rise to the charges;
- The evidence for and against the accused;
- Personal background and relevant history that might be brought to the court’s attention; and
- Understanding of the charge in question and the penalty that is likely to be imposed
Criminal Law Advice & Strategies
An effective legal representative is essential in bringing out the important facts properly. Even if you have been found guilty or pleaded guilty, there are strategies to reduce your penalty or sentence that you might otherwise receive.
It is extremely important to have good strategy in place and be in control of your own destiny. We give you the best strategy and aim to achieve the best outcome for you.
Our experienced Criminal Lawyers will also assist you in:
- Dealing with Police
- Plea bargaining
- Sentencing
- Bail application
- Appeal against your charges and sentences